Thursday, December 7, 2023

Fischer Smith is a senior at Northview High School. He participates in the Academic Super Bowl at Northview.

“Last year, I participated in the Math Superbowl and was also asked numerous times to participate in the Science Superbowl. This year, I also intend to only participate in the Math Superbowl.”

Fischer works at the Brazil Dairy Queen as part of the ICE program.

“I have been working there since the beginning of the year, and I overall enjoy it very much,” Smith says. “I chose Dairy Queen because it had some close friends that worked there as well, and it was close to my house.”

Fischer explains that he has had to overcome some obstacles over the course of his life, some of those due to being deaf in one ear.

“It has been a struggle at times, but I have numerous compliments from my AP English teachers telling me how well I can articulate, if that is worth anything.”

After high school, Smith plans on attending college at either Purdue University or Indiana University.

“At Purdue or IU, I plan on studying computer science and finding an occupation in either IT (Information Technology) or computing language.”

Fischer explains that there are many people in his life that he looks up to as role models.

“On a daily basis, it is really hard to be inspired when I have all these great people that are around me that shape me.”

However, Fischer states that there are three people in particular that inspire him: his father, his brother, and Northview history teacher Mrs. Hunter.

“My father is an incredibly sharp business man, and I hope one day I can match his skill. [My second role model] is my brother. His work ethic is incredible, and it is something that I can only dream of achieving. I have known him for over a decade, but he has never given up on anything in life and has always achieved what he wants. Lastly, [I look up to] Mrs. Hunter. I really admire how nice, forgiving, humble, seraphic, and caring Mrs. Hunter is. She has the perfect qualities in a human being in my opinion.”

Fischer explains that he doesn't have anything on his “bucket list,” but he does want to meet someone and be with them on their journey.

“I am very eager to meet someone that I would really care about so they could drag me along for their adventure. So that one day, we could mark out their bucket list together.”

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  • So proud of you, Fischer! Miss & love you. Regina

    -- Posted by Whoelse on Thu, Dec 7, 2023, at 5:48 PM
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