Thursday, January 11, 2024

Competing in a state championship is a great accomplishment. For most, just once is incredible. But through much hard work and dedication, Northview senior Jcim Grant was able to run in the state cross country meet all four years of high school .

Jcim is involved in Varsity Club and National Honors Society at Northview. Outside of school and sports, Jcim enjoys singing, playing basketball, and spending time with his family.

Grant states that his proudest accomplishments are tied to his running acheivements in cross country and track, most notably running in the state cross country meet for all four years of high school.

After high school, Jcim will attend Indiana State University and major in media production with a minor in music. Grant will also be continuing his athletic career at Indiana State.

“After that, my goal is to become a professional distance runner at the highest level possible. I also want to get married, have kids, and make sure we all live a godly Christian life.”

Grant explains that he has many role models in his life, ranging from family members to professional athletes.

“I look up to my mom, dad, and my sister because they have helped me so much to where I am today and all work so hard. I love them so much. Other [role models] are NBA players Kobe Bryant and Stephen Curry and Ethiopian distance runner Kenenisa Bekele. They all have a certain mental strength and fortitude to become the best or the greatest in their sports... which I find legendary.”

Jcim also cites his faith as the most important aspect of his life and explains how he wants to live for Christ.

“Being like [God] and his son Jesus Christ is the best way to live, and it's how I try to live every day of my life. I give all the glory to Him.”

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