TOP STORY OF THE DAY - Indiana Secretary of State presents Clay County Clerk’s Office with $21,500 grant

Monday, January 29, 2024
HAYLEY COOPER PHOTO - Secretary Morales presents a ceremonial check to the Clerk’s Office: Amy Jordan, Clay County Clerk; Brenda Britton, Clay County Election Clerk; and Alisha Huffman, Voter Registration Clerk.

Indiana Secretary of State Diego Morales visited the Clay County Courthouse on Thursday to hand-deliver a check as part of approximately $2 million in Federal Grant funding.

Clay County was one of the 64 Indiana counties that applied for and received funds. All 92 counties were eligible. Since the beginning of January, Morales has visited each county to deliver a check and thank them for their work.

“Thank you for all you do; you all are the backbone of our elections. Without you, I cannot do my job,” said Morales, speaking to the Clay County Clerk’s Office employees.

HAYLEY COOPER PHOTO - Even the courthouse mascot, Skelly, welcomed Secretary Morales.

The $21,500 will go towards local election improvement efforts.

Brenda Britton, Clay County Election Clerk, and Amy Jordan, Clay County Clerk, explain the money will go toward equipment supplies, starting a program about the voting process with high school students, and being more involved in the community.

“We’re hoping to have stands at some of the community events like the Clay County fair and Street Fest. That’s our goal,” said Britton.

HAYLEY COOPER PHOTO - Secretary Morales shares a laugh with the Clay County Clerk's Office employees.

Britton and the Clerk’s Office thanked Morales “for providing the state with the grant, choosing us, and presenting it to us in person.”

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