Tuesday, February 27, 2024

The annual Posey Township Volunteer Fire Department Awards Dinner - catered by Pappy’s BBQ - was held at the Staunton Community Center Saturday night.

Fire Chief Cody Barnard told the crowd of firefighters, their families, and special guests that 2023 was a busy year, but it didn’t quite break the call-for-service run record like the last three consecutive years.

“It was close, but we didn’t break 528 runs,” said Barnard. “We had 508 last year.”

IVY JACOBS PHOTOS - Tyler Hutcheson at the Awards Dinner Saturday night.

Barnard shared a personal story about his 23rd anniversary this year in the fire service.

“I joined the department in 2001. I was looking for something to do while I was in college,” said Barnard. “In my wildest dreams, I never imagined being a fire chief or being in the service for 23 years. All I can say is if you ever thought about joining, do it.”

Barnard said it is a very rewarding career, a brotherhood of incredible people in many ways.

IVY JACOBS PHOTOS - Earl Hutcheson at the Awards Dinner Saturday night.

While firefighters were introduced and given a small appreciation gift, Barnard brought special attention to the four new “probation firefighters.”

Barnard explained that PTVFD held its successful training academy last year for nine students, and four joined the department: Cole Market, Jaxson Rodgers, Katelyn Perkins, and Madison Shoemaker.

Retirement Celebration

IVY JACOBS PHOTOS - Ear Hutcheson AND Pete Taylor at the Awards Dinner Saturday night.

Barnard apologized to the crowd and the Hutcheson family that a much-deserved retirement celebration could not happen in 2023 for Earl Andrew Hutcheson, “So we are doing it now.”

Tyler Hutcheson spoke about the impact on the department, firefighters, the Posey Township community, and Clay County during his father’s 28-year career.

“I am sorry if I cry,” Tyler said, trying to control his emotions.


“It’s OK,” a firefighter said loudly. “We will be crying with you.”

Afterward, the crowd honored Earl with a tearful standing ovation.

In February 2023, Earl announced an early retirement due to health problems, but he wouldn’t be far away while still serving as the department’s chaplain.

A Firefighter’s Commitment - During the Posey Township Volunteer Fire Department’s annual Awards Dinner Saturday night, a fireman had just gone through the line to get his meal. When he sat down to take a bite, the radio tones were set off, and the firefighter - in his dress blues - left everything to go serve his community. After fighting the fire, wet and dirty, the fireman returned to the department and his family to eat his dinner. Later that evening, the tones were set off again, and another firefighter left to assist.

However, as Earl was determined to fight his illness, the doctor gave him a 28 percent chance of survival.

“That is not very good odds, not much hope,” Earl told the crowd. “I am thankful to be alive... I got through it with the Lord’s help.”

Earl said it was a great honor to have served the community and being on the PTVFD, “I have missed you guys.”

Awards presented during the event included:

Go Get’em Award - Recognizing the top 5 firefighters for answering the most calls for 2023

5th: Robert Hogan

4th: Kaleb Walker

3rd: Josh McCluskey

2nd: Eddie Hastings

1st: Larry Tempel

Community Involvement Award - Guys That Give Clay County

Rookie of the Year - Kaleb Walker

First Responder of the Year - Michael Rost

Chief’s Award - Jenni Mesanovic

Firefighter of the Year - Larry Tempel

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