Monday, March 11, 2024

Marlee Brand is a senior at Northview High School. She is involved in Interact Club, HOSA (Health Occupations Students of America), and National Honors Society. She also plays soccer. Marlee explains that soccer has played an important role in meeting people after she transferred to Northview at the start of her junior year.

“Since I moved here from Illinois, soccer has helped me to make friends. My favorite part about soccer is being able to play on a team with my friends. Soccer has taught me to work hard with others, and you will succeed.”

Brand is also a helper for the unified track team. She has an important role in cheering for the athletes on and off the track.

“It’s a satisfying experience to help out the other athletes perform well. I learned that not everybody needs as much help as they may appear. Many of the athletes may look like they need help from their appearance, but when they are on the track, they know what they are doing.”

In the future, Brand plans to attend Ivy Tech Community College and later Indiana State University. Her goal is to become a traveling labor and delivery nurse.

“I have always wanted to work with kids, but I realized that I would also like to work with adults, so labor and delivery is the best of both worlds.”

Marlee explains that she has multiple people that she looks up to in life, two of those being her parents.

“My mom and dad have always been supportive and encouraging towards my goals.”

Brand states that another of her role models is her friend’s mother, who positively influenced Marlee’s career goals.

“My friend’s mom Alisa is also a large supporter of me. She is the one who inspired me to become a nurse instead of a teacher.”

One of Marlee’s unique goals on her bucket list is to visit a new place every year.

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