Former Brazil Times' Circulation Manager dies

Tuesday, August 2, 2011
Fred McDonald

The Brazil Times' family has lost one of its own.

On July 30, former Times' Circulation Manager Fred McDonald died.

A complete obituary may be read in today's paper on Page 3.

In addition, McDonald had worked for the Indianapolis Star and News and The Brazil Daily Times.

Current Times' Circulation Manager Karen Barnhart said McDonald will be missed.

"He was just an all-around good guy," Barnhart said. "He was a kid person. He just loved the kids he trained.

"He was the first boss for a lot of kids. He was a good friend."

Former Times' Publisher Joe Redenbarger echoed Barnhart's sentiments.

"I was at The Times for 33 years and out of those 33 years, I would say Fred was my circulation manager 30 of those years, of which he was an excellent circulation manager," Redenbarger said.

Redenbarger began working with The Times in 1961 and became publisher in 1965.

He added McDonald was an "excellent promoter," who set up many contests for his delivery route carriers, including tickets to professional baseball games and trips to King's Island.

"He was a super circulation manager," Redenbarger said. "He was great with kids, great with promotions and knew how to handle the kids. He kept our circulation pretty good.

"He was good to get along with and he was very loyal. We'll miss him. He was a big part of The Times for many, many years."

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  • Fred touched many kids lives. He will always be part of my memories of my youth. Joe was right, he had a natural way with the kids. He treated us with respect.

    -- Posted by Conservative Dad on Tue, Aug 2, 2011, at 9:57 PM
  • Fred was a great family friend and first boss. Some of the opportunities he gave me and other kids to win contests to places we could not have dreamed of going included King's Island, St. Louis, Riverside Amusement Park in Indy, Indy 500 qualifications, Reds and Cardinals games and many other locations.

    Before that, I remember playing softball at his house on N. McGuire St. with a lot of neighborhood children. Fred was always looking out for us and caring!

    I will miss you, Fred.

    -- Posted by Dagnabbitt on Tue, Aug 2, 2011, at 10:09 PM
  • I'm gonna Miss him too .Fred always called me M.Moe when I too was delivering news papers for him and the Brazil

    Times, He was was a Terrific Person.... I'm just sorry I didn't get to see him before the Lord took him home for the last time... M.Moe is Gonna Miss you Fred...

    -- Posted by M.Marsh on Wed, Aug 3, 2011, at 11:30 AM
  • Fred was a great man to work for and he loved helping the kids. He will be greatly missed! He had a nick name for just about everyone who worked for him.

    -- Posted by bandmom_63 on Wed, Aug 3, 2011, at 12:58 PM
  • Fred was my first "boss", although I always thought of him as a friend and mentor. He always called me "Tricky Rickey". I was just talking with son, Fritz, last week and he said his dad wasn't doing well. Fred was one of the kindest and most decent people I have ever known and although we lost touch over the years I will miss him. Rest In Peace Fred.

    -- Posted by riconeal on Tue, Aug 9, 2011, at 9:55 AM
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