Letter to the Editor

Church is important

Sunday, June 30, 2013

To the Editor:

For the lady who told me she didn't go to church because churches are full of hypocrites.

As believers, we must confront this type of thinking. Believers in Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior know we are not perfect.

It is only because of God's love shown on the cross of Jesus do we have access to God for salvation and eternal life with Jesus.

Paul should be a good example of how the Gospel of Jesus changed him. His life changed and he couldn't stop sharing the good news -- even when it meant persecution and finally, death.

Paul believed and expected the Holy Spirit to turn those who are passive and learning into disciples -- active and proclaiming the message of salvation through Jesus Christ.

Paul taught, and the Spirit proved it true to their experience. If the Spirit of Jesus has come to your church, then the "fruits of the Spirit" will appear, love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control.

Many laws have been made to control our actions, but only one law mattered for those in Christ Jesus, faith working through love.

We are called to freedom, but we use our freedom as an opportunity to be servants of one another as the Bible says, "You shall love your neighbor as yourself."

Now is the time for the churches' population to become "disciples."

We are surrounded by unbelievers in our neighborhood. Invite one neighbor to come to church with you next Sunday. Help him or her to make decisions that will affect the rest of their life and for all eternity.

Yes, there are hypocrites in the church and out of the church.

What about the unbeliever who cries out for God in an emergency? But do you want to go to hell because of a hypocrite?

We each are responsible for our own decisions about eternal life. When you stand before God, it will be just you and Him!

"... God be merciful to me a sinner." -- Luke 18:13.

Without Jesus, we are lost!

Joe and Carolyn Lohse,

Clay County