Letter to the Editor

Confused about decisions

Sunday, September 29, 2013

I am confused about some of the decisions that are being made since Obama's reelection.

Health care for one -- wouldn't it be nice if everyone could afford health care?

Because of the economy (since Obama), most people can't afford to pay their bills -- rent, mortgages, or put food on their table.

People are losing their houses, but Obama wants to force people to have health care or they will be fined.

Now, I read an article in The Brazil Times about a meeting to make the decision to cut Indiana public employee retirement benefits.

These people have worked all their lives and would be losing what they have been working for.

On the other hand, you can lay back and not work and welfare will not only pay you for that, but up your money for having more children.

In my opinion, welfare should be cut and this would save our country a whole lot of money!

I have no problem helping people, but there should be limitations on it -- like six months -- that should be plenty of time to get a job and back on their feet! I could go on and on, but you get the idea.

Cindi Burris,
