Letter to the Editor

Resident wants to see more support for softball program

Sunday, May 11, 2014

To the editor:

Recently I have been going to the girls' softball games at the ball fields in Brazil to view the outcome of some very strong dreams by Karen McQueen and people who wanted very much to see their daughters and granddaughters play a game that has become very big within our school systems. I was amazed over the amount of participation that it drew after trying to put this type of program together for the past 13 years. In the previous years, money had to be refunded because of the lack of participation. But Karen approached us at the VFW and she did all the legwork and even with all the negative support she got from the so-called board of directors of the CYBL, she got it started. She did what no one else could get done (against some good old-boy mentality) she did it.

Well guess what, now they took her job as director of the girls softball league away and will probably in the near future give the position to people who are causing a lot of trouble and will get this program canceled again or likely give it to someone who wants it to fail. All the equipment is owned by the VFW, purchased by the VFW and was going to be donated to the league, but only the girls' softball league. So I am talking to the parents, grandparents, uncles, aunts and all who want this league to succeed, for the sake of our children and our schools, get on board and get rid of this board or start your own.

The VFW will support this program to the best of our ability, with fundraisers to help build you a new field if all other aspects fall into place. You already have the equipment ready to be donated to the league, all we need is for you parents to get up front and support this program. Don't let the mentality of a few ruin this for our children. The boys have their league, shouldn't the girls have their league too?

I have always tried to pattern my life after the way I operated and worked in life before I retired. Don't you wish that was true for everyone. If you are going to live in a glass house and throw stones at your neighbors, you better hope they don't have bricks! The fact that Karen is my stepdaughter is not the only reason I am writing this letter. Fair play, equal rights for our daughters and granddaughters is. We at the VFW believe in our children, but we don't always believe in the adults.

Bob Bigley
