Letter to the Editor

Reader responds to Wayne's World letter

Sunday, July 20, 2014

To the editor:

Dear Wayne's World,

Thank you for your attempt to portray yourself as a good neighbor. Unfortunately, this issue has become public because you have ignored the request of your good neighbors to become a good neighbor.

Good neighbors do not shoot commercial fireworks off at 12:30 a.m. Good neighbors return the calls of people, like myself, who have called your number asking you to be considerate of the those who want to go to bed because they have to get up at 4 a.m. to go to work. Good neighbors respect the wishes of the Clay County Sheriff's department when they show up at your business because the dispatch operator has been "flooded with calls" versus standing on legal ground because the volunteer fire chief signed a permit. Good neighbors consider the health and wellbeing of farm animals and pets that go crazy in fear because of your lavish late night fireworks and parties.

Your good neighbors do not object to you selling fireworks; your good neighbors DO object to you shooting them off in the wee hours of the morning impacting their quality of life. Please feel free to contact me directly if you doubt the negative impact your fireworks have on your neighbors quality of life and I will share with you audio recording taken at 12:30 a.m. of the booms inside my house with the windows closed.

In summary, one of the responsibilities of a County Commissioner is to preserve and protect the quality of life for the citizens of which they serve. My advice to you, to avoid an ordinance that will potentially dictate your future behavior, is to meet with the commissioners, AND a few of your unhappy neighbors, to come to an agreement on the number of acceptable displays in a year - as well as an agreeable end time.

Daryl Andrews

Clay County