Letter to the Editor

Donations welcome for Fishing Fun Day; Clark family thanked for years of service

Sunday, September 3, 2017

To the editor:

It has come to our attention that many in our community would have liked to donate toward Fishing Fun Day but were never approached. We would be remiss if we didn’t correct that immediately. Anyone who would like to donate toward Fishing Fun Day can do so by going to the Clerk/Treasurer’s Office at City Hall. The ladies there will receive the donations and give a receipt in return.

We are very grateful for all the donations that help make Fishing Fun Day a huge success.

On a very important note, LT and Janice Clark and family have turned over the reigns of instructing and guiding the youth of Clay County in fishing to Jack and Dee Elder. Jack and Dee have furnished the bait for the last four years and we are grateful for their willingness to fill this important role. It is with much gratitude and respect that we wish only the very best to the Clark families for their dedication to the Brazil City parks, especially Craig Park and Fishing Fun Days. Their 20-plus years of involvement have helped what Fishing Fun Day, and Craig Park, is today.

We are very grateful that Jack and Dee are stepping up to continue the tradition of fishing safety and instruction for our community’s youth.

Carrol Evans

President, Brazil Board of Parks and Recreation