Letter to the Editor

Help needed for stray cats

Sunday, April 29, 2018

To the editor,

I am Mary Lou Lucas. I live at Meridian Towers and have for many years. I have been feeding stray cats because no one will pick them up and do something about it.

We eat, they deserve to eat as well. I have been given notice that as of Sunday, April 15th, I can no longer feed them on housing property.

Someone needs tos tep up and do something. We were told that they would be picked up.

I have been laughed at everywhere I turn. Brazil housing, newspaper, even the mayor, even the Humane Shelter.

People need to fix their animals but until they do, please do something about strays.

All I’ve accomplished is getting myself in trouble.

Please do something. Enlarge the Humane Shelter to accommodate the over population. Don’t ignore the problem.

Mary Lou Lucas
