SENIOR SELECTIONS February 19, 2021: Time for a new adventure

Sunday, February 21, 2021
Congratulations Miss Linda! Linda Lawrence’s cheery disposition while working at Brazil Speedway couldn’t be contained even while wearing a face mask during COVID-19. Submitted photos


The action or fact of leaving one’s job and ceasing to work.

For one Brazil resident, retirement is just a new adventure.

Congratulations Miss Linda! Linda Lawrence’s cheery disposition while working at Brazil Speedway couldn’t be contained even while wearing a face mask during COVID-19. Submitted photos

Linda Lawrence, a young septuagenarian (71), spent her last day of 31 years employment at SPEEDWAY gas station and convenience store (301 West National Avenue, Brazil), handing out cupcakes and smiles to customers she has come to know personally over the years.

“I’ve seen and gotten to know three generations of families coming through here,” said Lawrence about enjoying her work in the service industry since starting at Starvin’ Marvin in 1990 and wrapping it up at Speedway at the end of January. “I have loved this job. I like interacting with the public and knowing what’s happening in the community. I will miss that.”

Lawrence says once she starts something, she sticks to it, which accounts for her long career at the local gas station and time spent at a part-time job for 36 years.

“Each day God lets you wake up is another gift,” she said. “What you make of it is up to you. If you think it’s going to be a bad day, it will be bad. If you think it’s going to be great, it will be great.”

That is why Lawrence takes the time to spend a moment with every customer.

“I try to smile, wish them a happy day before they leave,” said Lawrence about her cheerful attitude, even during trying times. “There’s going to be good days and bad days in life, but we don’t have to make them worse. I try to be positive to everyone. It might be the only time that day someone is nice or takes a moment to listen to them.”

Lawrence has always been dedicated to giving her best when working and is thankful for her support network.

“My family has always supported me through the years,” she said, adding her family and friends have made the best of any opportunity to spend time together. “There have been many holidays when we scheduled to spend time on another day because I was working Christmas or Thanksgiving. They never questioned why.”

Lawrence is looking forward to having time to enjoy lunch with friends and family members. Saturday nights in Lawrence’s retirement schedule are reserved for weekly family gatherings around a kitchen table at her house, where they share a pizza, the week’s happenings, laughter (and sometimes a trouble or two), support, and their love for each other. It’s important to her to stay connected and active.

“I will probably find another job. I still have my part-time job. I don’t plan on just sitting down somewhere. I believe if you do that, your body and mind just sort of sit down too,” Lawrence said, but she’s not ready for that. “If I got a phone call to come back to work tomorrow, I would be there.“

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