Letter to the Editor

LETTER TO THE EDITOR: NALC cancels big event, again, but hopes for online donations

Wednesday, June 16, 2021

To the Editor:

Hello, Clay County!

Did you miss us Saturday, May 8? Once again, COVID-19 caused a delay of the NALC’S ‘Stamp Out Hunger’ food drive.

Last year, the food drive was postponed and ultimately, canceled in its physical form. The ‘Stamp Out Hunger Donor Drive’ was created to provide much needed support to our local food pantries at a time when many people, due to the lockdowns, found themselves in need of services.

The need continues today for many of our friends and neighbors. The ‘Stamp Out Hunger Donor Drive’ has been extended. I ask that, as your life moves toward normalcy, you donate whatever you can (money or food) to the food pantry of your choice, whenever you can. Remember, a lot of small donations create large benefits!

You can donate at www.NALC.org/food.

Follow the directions to donate there or donate directly to the local food pantry of your choice.

The National Association of Letter Carriers hopes to have the physical food drive later this fall - negotiations with the Postal Service to determine that date are ongoing.

On behalf of our food pantries and your local letter carriers (city and rural), I want to thank all who supported the ‘Donor Drive’ last year and thank you to all who will support them this year!

Very Sincerely Yours,

Karen Stearley

NALC Branch 670 Food Drive Coordinator