TOP STORY OF THE DAY, brought to you free by WICU: PUBLIC INVITED - School board to discuss 2021-22 School Year Reentry Plans

Monday, July 5, 2021
Superintendent Jeff Fritz

The Clay Community Schools (CCS) Board of Trustees will be discussing its 2021-22 School Year Reentry Plans at the July 8 School Board Meeting, and they want the public to know about it.

Superintendent Jeff Fritz issued the following statement:

“Although the 2020-21 school year was very trying for students, employees, parents, and the community, the CCS 2020-21 School Year Roadmap served as a very useful and essential tool in allowing CCS to keep its schools open the vast majority of the year.

The easing of Covid-19-related mandates from the Governor has provided options for school corporations that were not available during the last school year; therefore, it is the desire of CCS to return to a traditional school setting – as much as possible.

This will include a recommendation to make masks optional for students and employees in the schools.

The 2021-22 Reentry Plan also promises to be a much smaller document – perhaps only a page or two. Since some Covid-19 concerns and issues still remain, CCS plans to maintain some of the previous year’s practices and precautionary measures.

Public schools in Indiana are required to follow mandates issued by the Governor. An example of this was the mask mandate issued this past school year; however, the Governor recently gave back a great deal of control to local districts, which provides several options for school corporations around the state. CCS is hopeful the trend toward a more normal school year will continue and will come to fruition during the 2021-22 school year!”

An overview of the 2021-22 Reentry Plan will be presented at Thursday’s board meeting at the Central Administration Building, located at 1013 S. Forest Ave., Brazil, at 7 p.m.

The board’s approval of the plan will be requested at the July 29 special session meeting.

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