TOP STORY OF THE DAY, brought to you free by WICU: Carbon excited for start of water project

Monday, August 9, 2021
The water storage tank in Carbon will be sandblasted before getting a new coat of paint and work to bring it into compliance and safety improvements during the new drinking water improvement project.
Ivy Jacobs photo

The Town of Carbon has exciting news.

“We are very excited about this project starting,” said Town Board President Mike Bemis about the new drinking water improvement project. “We want all of our residents to know the project will begin soon.”

The project is being funded through water operating funds and a grant from the Indiana Office of Community and Rural Affairs. There are two phases of the project:

B&T Drainage, Inc., out of Marshall, IL, will do the work on the first part, which includes:

Booster Station Rehabilitation

The project will rehabilitate the station located along North Murphy Road. Bemis said the Carbon Water Utility purchases all water from the City of Brazil through a master meter. The existing station has reached its useful life, according to Bemis, and must be replaced due to aged and deteriorated components. A new booster station will be constructed and the old one demolished.

Water Mains

Replacing and looping certain areas of water mains will provide improved water distribution and supply to the Utility’s elevated storage tank. The water storage tank is located on Inv. Street in Carbon. This will eliminate dead-end lines on Inv, Cedar, Locust, Linden, Oak, and First Streets. Bemis said a segment of water main along First Street from Oak to Ash Street would be upsized from a 2-inch main to a 6-inch main and improve this area’s water flow.

SCADA Upgrades

This project will also allow for the supervisory control and data acquisition (SCADA) system, a fiber optic technology, to be updated between the water tank and booster station. The new system will provide alarming in case of low water tank levels and equipment failures.

The general contractor for the second part of the project will be Currens Construction Services, LLC.

The general contractor for the second part of the project will be Currens Construction Services, LLC, based in Harrodsburg, KY.

Elevated Tank Rehabilitation

The town has a single elevated water tank, but it needs rehabilitation, according to the 2019 inspection report. The tank is located at the northwest corner of the Town of Carbon between the Second and Third Streets.

Bemis said the tank would be sandblasted to remove all existing coatings, re-priming the tank, new coatings, and compliance and safety improvements.

“We don’t have an exact date for when the project will start, but it is supposed to real soon,” said Bemis. “This project has been a long time coming. A lot of those dilapidated parts are going to be replaced this year, and that is exciting.”

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