TOP STORY OF THE DAY, brought to you free by WICU: COVID-19 protocols unchanged for schools from initial outbreak

Monday, August 16, 2021

As the Delta Variant of the COVID-19 continues to impact Clay County, and many students are being sent home from school due to exposure, experiencing symptoms, or testing positive, many vaccinated parents are unsure of the protocols.

According to the Clay County Health Department, the protocols have remained similar as it was when Coronavirus arrived in the United States in early 2020.

Health protocols are in place by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and the Indiana State Department of Health, and parents need to keep their children home for the recommended isolation period of 10 school days.

If a student has been vaccinated and sent home, parents can contact the school with that information and begin the recommended return to school policies.

Students — and residents — ineligible for the vaccine or choosing to not be vaccinated are asked to follow recommended health and safety protocols to lesson the spread of the virus:

• People are urged to follow these protocols:

• Practice social distancing.

• Proper handwashing and hygiene, use hand sanitizers.

• Wear a face covering and keep it as clean as possible.

• Be aware of your health.

• Stay home if sick or exposed to COVID-19.

• Get tested if experiencing symptoms, and wait for the results at home.

• Seek medical help if the symptoms become serious.

Vaccinated people are able to continue to their normal routines, and work. However, due to the Delta Variant data still being collected, those vaccinated are urged to wear a face covering to help eliminate the spread of the virus because even though vaccinated, those people might still carry the virus.

“I can not say this enough: The actions that you take outside of a school are just as important as those you take inside the school building,” said State Health Commissioner Dr. Kristina Box nearly a year ago. “Please don’t put yourself at risk of being isolated or quarantined. Follow the guidance that we have been sharing for months.”

Health officials agreed with that sentiment then, and echo it now as the virus spreads once again throughout the community, the state, and across the United States.

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