COVID19 UPDATE - County back to YELLOW

Thursday, November 11, 2021
TIMES CREATIVE - Corrected Positive Cases numbers (Friday, November 12, 2021). Please accept our apologies.

For the first time since July, the Indiana State Department of Health confirmed Clay County is in the YELLOW for the Weekly 2-Metric Score and the 7-Day All Tests Positivity Rate.

However, the ISDH COVID-19 Dashboard ( shows the county remains in the ORANGE categories for overall ADVISORY LEVEL and the Weekly Cases Per 100,000 Residents.

Officials refer to the ADVISORY LEVEL data to establish current COVID-19 guidelines all Indiana counties must follow. A county must remain at a lower score for two consecutive weeks to move to a lower advisory level.

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The Weekly Cases Per 100,000 Residents is an up-to-date reference that tracks the trend of the spread of the virus in a community. This data fluctuates weekly.

Local health officials are happy to see the data reflect a lower transmission and spread of the COVID-19 virus in the community. However, they remain vigilant and pay attention to the data trends.

ISDH reports 3,387,694 Hoosiers, including 3,210 new residents, are fully vaccinated on Thursday, November 11. Booster vaccines dispensed are currently 532,702 residents in Indiana.

Clay County reports 10,763 citizens fully vaccinated, and 1,611 have received booster shots.

The COVID-19 Data provided by Clay Community Schools is also trending downward.

NOTE: CCSC uses the advisory level on the Indiana State Health Department’s COVID-19 Dashboard.

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