Yard sale raising funds for food pantry

Thursday, June 2, 2022
IVY JACOBS PHOTO - There are lots of bargains at the yard sale at 19 North Alabama Street, Brazil, Friday. The fundraiser will not be open Saturday.

The National Yard Sale has several residents participating, but the St Vincent DePaul Food Pantry annual fundraising yard sale is very busy and expects more people tomorrow. All the funds raised during the event will be used to help provide food for local families. Pat Hardman says everything is half price Friday, so shop early to find the bargains at 19 North Alabama Street, Brazil.

IVY JACOBS PHOTO - The St Vincent DePaul Food Pantry annual fundraiser is very busy and expects more people Friday. All the funds raised during the event will be used to help provide food for local families. Pat Hardman (pictured) says everything is half price Friday, so shop early to find the bargains at 19 North Alabama Street, Brazil.
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