TOP STORY TODAY: From Cub Scout to Eagle Scout

Monday, June 27, 2022
Logan E. Prather Family PHOTOS

An Eagle Scout Project represents the spirit of caring and giving: Service to other people has been what Scouting was all about since its beginning in 1910.

In many ways, a service project reflects who a Scout is as a youth leader.

Logan E. Prather Family PHOTOS

Logan E. Prather, and his mother, Carla, started their family journey with Boy Scouts when he was six. Logan was always the Cub Scout, looking up to his mentors, the older boys in the troop. He helped several older boys complete their Eagle Scout Projects; now it’s Logan’s chance.

“My favorite part of my scouting adventure is the closeness with my fellow Scouts,” Says Logan, who enjoys being the mentor now. “I have developed a sense of family and brotherhood with the boys I have been in Scouts all these years.”

Logan E. Prather Family PHOTOS

Logan is the first to praise others for their community service; he’s a humble and modest scout.

“The guidance that I get from our leaders,” says Logan. “I am now able to pass on to the younger Scouts.”

Kaleb Walker, Evan Sturgeon, and Logan have been in scouts together since they were six years old, and Logan says all three are going through the process of being Eagle Scouts.

Logan E. Prather Family PHOTOS

“I have worked on several other Eagle projects with some older Scouts. It greatly influenced me,” Logan said. “Obtaining your Eagle rank is a great sense of accomplishment. It takes a lot of hard work.”

Logan E. Prather Family PHOTOS

Logan plans to build picnic tables, both regular and handicap-accessible tables, to benefit the Vigo County Conservation Club, which charters Boy Scout Troop 101. The fundraising goal was to build six, but Logan has raised enough to make more and still is raising funds for when volunteers gather to do the work soon, probably Sunday, July 3, weather permitting.

“I have been learning some woodworking skills over the last several months. I do have several adult volunteers that have woodworking skills, and my troop will be helping me assemble the tables,” Logan said. “Volunteers are key when completing your Eagle project.”

Logan wants to thank Scot Walker and Jeremy Hayes for all the guidance and support they have given him throughout his scouting adventure, especially for helping Logan understand and execute his Eagle project.

Logan, who turns July 18 1, attends Avon High School.

Logan E. Prather Family PHOTOS

“My mom’s job moved us to Avon four years ago,” Logan explained. “However, we stay in our troop in Brazil. We commute from Avon to Brazil for meetings and events.”

Logan has an older sister, an” adorable” niece, and his father, Ben Prather.

Boy Scout Troop 101 is like family.

Logan E. Prather Family PHOTOS

“I have always been the younger Scout taking advice, knowledge, and direction from the older Scouts,” Logan said. “Now that I am the older Scout, it feels surreal but enlightening.”

Logan is very polite and also a bit shy.

“Talking about myself is my least favorite subject to talk about. So I can be a little awkward during interviews,” he admitted. “I have looked forward to that sense of accomplishment and pride in my project.”

Logan E. Prather Family PHOTOS

Scouting is a big part of Logan’s life.

“Scouting is my favorite pastime,” but he admits to being a teenager. “I enjoy playing video games with my friends, music, and concerts.”

Carla is a proud Boy Scout mom.

Logan E. Prather Family PHOTOS

“Logan is my youngest child. He has always been the smart kid in the room,” Carla said. “It has been such an honor for me as a mother to go through the scouting adventure with him.”

As a single mom, Carla said it’s not always easy to stay on top of kids’ extracurricular activities. However, Carla has been fortunate enough to have an employer that allowed her to do so.

“It has been such a joy to see my son put everything he has into his scouting,” she said with pride. To see him succeed has been such an amazing thing for me. “To obtain an Eagle rank, you must obtain all the smaller ranks along the way. And as he climbed towards his Eagle rank, my pride continued to grow. As he finishes up his requirements for his Eagle advancement, I am in awe of my son, and I could not be more proud.”

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