Van Buren Elementary All Pro Families

Monday, September 18, 2023
IVY JACOBS PHOTOS - Bright and early Tuesday morning before school started, families were lined up to sign in for breakfast with their children at the Van Buren Elementary Gymnasium.

The All Pro Dads program took a hit during the COVID-19 pandemic, but it returned Tuesday as the All Pro Families program with a big crowd in the Van Buren Elementary Gymnasium.

“This is our first program today, and we’re going to do this the second Tuesday of each month for the rest of the school year,” said Team Captain Dale Brown, who added the project is supported by the Carbon Baptist Church and embraced by VBE Principal Derik Tipton. “At every every meeting, we will have a a breakfast and a fun lesson.”

Brook Reinoel was the guest speaker and talked about self-control, sharing a cute video of The Marshmellow Test.

IVY JACOBS PHOTOS - Guest speaker Brook Reinoehl addresses the crowd at the All-Pro Families program at Van Buren Elementary on Tuesday morning.

The program hopes to build better family relationships through quality time shared.

Brown said, “We have a little breakfast, some togetherness, share some support for parents and their children, and have fun.”

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