Monday, October 2, 2023

Northview senior Gnister Grant has already accomplished an impressive number of things, but she doesn't plan to stop there. As part of the Northview cross country and track teams, she has achieved notable goals that she has set for herself.

At Northview, Gnister is involved in Spanish club, National Honors Society, cross country, and track. Outside of school and sports, she enjoys singing, drawing, and spending time with her family.

Gnister is very proud of her accomplishments in her cross country and track seasons, noting exceptional performances in multiple state meets.

“I am extremely proud of... getting All-State with a 25th place finish at state in cross country, and I am proud of our 4x800 [team] getting a 5th place medal at state for track.”

In the future, Gnister wants to go to college to become a sports medicine physician or a career in a related field. Grant isn't sure where she will attend college, but she plans to continue competitive running as a collegiate athlete.

Grant explains that some of her fondest high school memories are from her friendships throughout these four years.

“My favorite part of high school is the friends and teammates I have made through cross country and track and school in general.”

She explains that the social aspect of cross country and track is as enjoyable as the competitive side.

“I've met so many new people from school and running, including other people from other teams.”

Gnister has set incredible goals for herself and has worked hard to get to where she is now. She explains that she isn't done working for these goals, mentioning possibly running professionally.

“Something on my bucket list is going to watch the Olympics, or even be a part of the Olympics someday.”

Gnister's brother Jcim Grant also runs cross country and track for Northview, and he serves as an inspiration to Gnister.

“He is so motivated and determined in his running. He gives 100% in not only his running, but also his school life. He always works so hard, and I look up to him because of that.”

Gnister also cites her parents as important role models for her, as well as assets to her success.

“They work so hard, and they push me to be the best I can be, not only in my running and school life, but also in my Christian life.”

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