It is "The Big Day" for sports fans, but there can be a dark side

Sunday, February 11, 2024 ~ Updated 1:13 PM

Today is “the day” for many sports fans.

Have an incredible day enjoying all the pregame activities.

But but be please be responsible while traveling, enjoying the food and beverages during the game.

Designated Drivers

Years of data for decades show there is a spiked increase in drunk-driving deaths across the country as people who travel to bars, restaurants and friends’ houses to watch the Big Game. Afterwards, many of those people - many unsure about their sobriety - head home around the same time.

The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration urges people to play it safe this Sunday, “Don’t drink and drive, and especially don’t let friends who have been drinking drive themselves home.”

The Myth of Football

The data about domestic violence increase during one of the largest “manly” sports events has pros and cons on the subject over the years. However, one thing is agreed on by both sides: It happens for whatever reason and can be overwhelming.

Law enforcement officials believe a victim of domestic violence, or merely an observer, should report a domestic violence situation the moment the first punch is thrown. Call 911 immediately and tell the operator every detail about the abuser, the situation, and the violent acts performed, including whether or not a weapon was involved.

For those seeking information, call the National Domestic Violence Hotline is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week via phone and Online for anyone experiencing domestic violence, seeking resources or information, or questioning unhealthy aspects of their relationship.: 1-(800)799–7233.

Gambling Addiction

Sports teams and leagues were once fiercely opposed to gambling on the games, but now they’ve partnered with bookies making it easier than ever.

Betting on sports can be a way for some people to get caught up and develop, maintain or accelerate gambling disorders.

For free and confidential info, support, resources and/or referrals, call the Gambling Addiction Hotline at 1-800-522-4700.

The hotline exists only to help those who suffer from problem gambling, and it is FREE.

The Brazil Times hopes everyone enjoys the day.

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