Thursday, March 7, 2024

Porter Frederick is a senior at Northview High School. He is in the robotics club and also plays golf for Northview. Outside of school, Porter enjoys working on various projects such as his truck, tractor, and dirt bike.

“I like messing around with how random things work.”

Frederick also works at ACE Hardware.

Porter does not participate in the ICE or internship program at Northview, but he is taking the autoshop class. This class gives him an outlet to further explore his interest in automotives and prepares him for college and his future career.

“I like seeing how all different vehicles work. My favorite part has been rebuilding my tractor.”

Frederick states that his proudest achievement has been winning a contest that tested his automotive skills. This contest was hosted by Ivy Tech, and Porter had to complete various written tests and physical tasks to test his automotive knowledge.

“I would say an accomplishment I’m proud of is winning the Ivy Tech automotive skills contest last year where I won a bunch of tools and a $1000 scholarship.”

Frederick got the highest score of all the participants, leading the group by 70 points.

Porter states that his favorite part of high school has been participating in the autoshop class and playing golf.

Frederick explains that some of the staff at Northview has had a large impact on him. He explains that in particular, his calculus teacher Mr. Eppert and autoshop teacher Mr. Migliorini have served as role models for him.

In the future, Porter plans to attend Purdue University and major in agricultural engineering. Purdue’s Department of Agricultural and Biological Engineering has been consistently ranked in the nation’s top programs, and this will give Porter the necessary skills needed for his future career.

“I want to do this because mechanical things have always interested me.”

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