Clay County Sheriff’s Department/Clay County Health Department - New year-round drug take box

Friday, April 12, 2024
IVY JACOBS PHOTO - Chief Deputy Eric Oberholtzer, Program Manager Christina Carrico, Assistant Public Health Nurse Amy Shelton, Sheriff Brison Swearingen, and Public Health Nurse Kim Hyatt. in the lobby of the Clay County Justice Center with the new Drug Takeback Box.


The Drug Enforcement Agency’s nationwide effort to pick up unwanted medications has been going on for 26 years twice a year, and Clay County is taking it further.

Instead of twice a year, residents can visit the Clay County Sheriff’s Department 24-hours a day throughout the year to use the public Drug Takeback Box in the hallway.


Sheriff Brison Swearingen saw a similar box while visiting another department and returned the idea to the Clay County Health Department.

“They liked it, and they have spear-headed this project since,” said Swearingen, as he “thanked” Public Health Nurse Kim Hyatt, Assistant Public Health Nurse Amy Shelton, and Program Christina Carrico.

Swearingen said the sealed metal container in the lobby at the Clay County Justice Center will be maintained, emptied weekly, and the contents properly destroyed.


The national program will take place later this month, and local authorities will be taking place, but it will be at the Clay County Justice Center to familiarize people with the new location.

Formal details about the event will be announced soon.

However, the box is in place now, and the community has been invited to the CCJC to use the new Drug Take Back feature.

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