TOP STORY OF THE DAY - A Grand Finale for the Northview Guard

Thursday, April 25, 2024

Recently, the Northview World Guard competed in the 2024 WGI World Class Finals in Dayton, Ohio. Their show, titled “It’s a Mod Mod World,” placed tenth with their performance. Northview, one of the smaller schools in the competition, fell behind larger schools such as Avon, Fishers, and Carmel.

Ashley Gonzalez, the director of Northview’s routine, had great things to say about Northview’s performance.

“Their performance was the thrill of a lifetime. They went on the floor and performed their hearts out and did an absolutely amazing job.”

The Northview World Guard has had an incredibly successful season this year, having also placed fourth in the IHSCGA state competition. Additionally, this was Northview’s 28th time making it to the World Competition.

After their performance at the WGI World Class Finals, Northview was immediately greeted with a standing ovation.

“Going to WGI and being a part of the Northview Guard is an amazing experience, and I would not trade any of it for the world,” says Northview senior Emma Guernsey.

For the Northview Guard members and instructors, the WGI World Class Finals was the perfect way to cap off the end of the Northview Guard’s 2024 season.

“It was definitely a performance that no one will ever forget,” describes Gonzalez.

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