Good news: Young hunter finds considerable morel

Friday, April 26, 2024
SUBMITTED PHOTO - Bryleigh Moore pictured with the seven-inch morel mushroom she found.

Bryleigh Moore, 12, was hunting for mushrooms in northern Clay County last week when she made an exciting discovery.

During one of their mushroom hunting expeditions, Bryleigh, the 12-year-old daughter of Elijah and Hildey Moore, stumbled upon a thrilling surprise in her favorite patch: a seven-inch morel mushroom.

"Mushrooming is something we've done with my family for years. We love this time of year!" said Hildey.

Hildey says this is the biggest mushroom her daughter has found, and unfortunately, it will probably be the last of this year.

"We think they are about done because we've been checking our patches daily, and we are finding fewer and fewer."

Bryleigh's favorite way to eat morel mushrooms is the way her mom makes them: "Salt them, put them in flour, and fry them in butter! They're the best that way!"

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