JAG Veteran’s Luncheon Sunday

Wednesday, May 22, 2024

On Sunday, May 19, 2024, Clay County Veterans and their families enjoyed a Veterans’ Picnic at the Pavilion/Cow Palace. The event is annually hosted by the local Jobs for America’s Graduates (JAG).

“The students get an opportunity to talk to live history. Not what they read in a book,” said Bottomley, who provided each student a pen and paper to take notes while talking with the veterans during their lunch. “I think the veterans look forward to this as much as the kids do.”

Each year the JAG members make all of the decorations as well as a special gift for each veteran. They make the flyer promoting the event and distribute it to the VFW, American Legion, medical offices and churches.


Since 2013/2014, Bottomley said JAG students have made this event a year-round project they wanted to do, to recognize the veterans and their families.

“The soldiers are not the only ones that sacrifice,” said Bottomley, who is the Faculty Advisor for Northview’s JAG program., “Their families also make sacrifices.”

The students spend time with the veterans, who share their stories, and then on Monday, when the students return to class they share what they heard, explained Bottomley, who added, “It makes for an amazing time in class.”


The JAG program, a support program designed to keep high school juniors and seniors through graduation, is funded through the Western Indiana Workforce Development Board and grants by the Indiana Department of Workforce Development.

Those involved in the 2024 JAG Veterans’ Picnic included:

Mercedes Wilson

Alex Proctor

Morgan Lumsdon

Luke Vanatti

Kennedy Henning

Shawn Luckey

Elijah Bicking

Zoe Kirkman

Sherya Hutchison

Dalayne Johnson

Joseph Anello

Camren Wright

Nicholas Morehouse

Chris Edmonson

Madison Sirianni

Alex Lugiewicz

Elijah Gentry

Caleb Gentry

Owen Chase

Kevin Bartels

Jonas Orman

Ethan Soots

Brandon Hull

Tylor Patton

Ty Joslyn

Dylan Raab

Aubrey Manion

Ayden Crawford

Jake Silvers

Garrett Peterson

Christian Schlak

Chase Nicoson

Lee Smith

Gavin Smith

Caleb Carta

Wade Akers

Christian Schlak

Isaac Dispennett

Jason Cooper

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  • Great Job! A great event hosted by a great bunch of students!

    -- Posted by viking44 on Thu, May 23, 2024, at 9:41 AM
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